Dr. T. William Donnelly, Academic Staff
My focus is placed on theoretical studies of electroweak interactions with nucleons and nuclei.

Name: T. William Donnelly
Title: Senior Research Scientist
Email: donnelly@mit.edu
Phone: (617) 253-4847
Office: MIT Department of Physics
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 26-403
Cambridge, MA 02139
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Area of Physics
High-energy and Particle Theory, Strong Interaction and Nuclear Theory
Research Interests
Nuclear and Particle Theory
Biographical Sketch
PhD 1967, University of British Columbia; Post-doc 1967-69, Stanford University; Post-doc 1969, University of Toronto; Lecturer 1970, University of Toronto; Assistant Professor 1971-1979, Stanford University; Senior Research Associate 1979-2015, MIT; Research Affiliate 2015-present, MIT
Awards and Honors
- 1990 – APS Fellow “For extensive theoretical studies of the electroweak structure of nuclei and for developing the framework needed to exploit polarization observables in electron scattering.”
- 1987-88 – Humboldt Senior Research Award
- 1974-75 – Sloan Fellowship
- 1967-69 – National Research Council of Canada, Post-doc
Selected Publications